If you like want you see and would like to support me, please consider visiting my Patreon! When you donate, you can get more frequent updates on my game design projects, Such as Pokedate! Which I am preparing an update to show on my Patreon page. The Game was created by ZackFox101 over on Fa.
(You will need WinRar to unzip the file and a Windows PC to play the game EXE file) this video has the winning vore scene for the pokemon vs aliens demo when you play lilly the mightyena. I really put in the time to make sure this compilation was worth the wait! Hope you all enjoy and share it! I present to you, an animation collection of all the vore animations I have completed for PvA for the years! In this compilation, there are 15 sprite animations, 13 of the post vore game over screens, a mock-up of the credits scene and a timeline of my coming projects. I wanted to celebrate this moment by making something special to share with you guys! Now, this is amazing! I rolled over the 1500 watcher mark!